Month: November 2018

Christ Almighty!

I’ve often wondered why almost all painters depict JC as a  white man, when his parents (well at least his mother) were dark-skinned middle-eastern folks.  Did they know something we today don’t know?   By golly, perhaps he was an albino? On the other hand, probably European artists didn’t feel...


The New Testament of the Bible, (KJV), in particular the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) contains thousands of words attributed to Jesus, including sermons, discussions, platitudes and other spoken thoughts. Literacy rates in the Middle East 2000 year ago were very low, so it is highly unlikely...

Build it and They Will Come!

Noah’s Ark Biblical literalists will disagree, of course, but the insurmountable problems gathering, feeding and returning all the animals carried in Noah’s Ark have been discussed many times.  So, for a change, I would like to examine the actual construction of the Ark, as it must have occurred. First...