I Hate to Think…

I’ve seen comments from various Christian leaders to the effect that atheists hate the religious. They don’t seem to realize that objecting to special treatment for their religion is not hate, but simply a desire for equality.

If the Christian feels that abortion is wrong, then she is free to carry all pregnancies to completion, but please stop trying to force your objections on the rest of us – it’s every woman’s personal decision to make.

Similarly for LGBT rights; the theists may feel that a person’s sexual preference must conform to their narrow definition of one man and one woman. This is acceptable if they do not let their beliefs influence their actions such that they affect the rights of the LGBT community.

Hate Christians? Not that I know of. Simply a strong objection to attempts to force their moral standards on the rest of us. Why they should think that they have the right to do this is extremely frustrating. Pointing out the fallacies of their beliefs is certainly not hate either .

My comment to them is “look in the mirror”, there is more hate and resentment flowing from the religious to the atheist community than the other way.