
Among the many beliefs that constitute Christianity are the following: That an omnipotent, immortal Being, who looks just like us, created the entire universe, with its billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars, specifically for us humans, and did it all in 6 ‘days’, whatever a ‘day’ was,...


If  you think you have a soul;- I also assume that you must believe that this soul will survive after the death of your body, and will go to someplace nice.  So I have a few questions for you:- Does your soul have a memory?  If so, I assume...

Angel, my Angel!

Heavenly angels are generally portrayed as being human in bodily form, with wings attached somewhere on the upper back.  Since this gives them 3 sets of appendages, they are unlike any known mammal, bird or reptile, all of which have only 2 pairs of limbs, so perhaps they are...

Christ Almighty!

I’ve often wondered why almost all painters depict JC as a  white man, when his parents (well at least his mother) were dark-skinned middle-eastern folks.  Did they know something we today don’t know?   By golly, perhaps he was an albino? On the other hand, probably European artists didn’t feel...


The New Testament of the Bible, (KJV), in particular the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) contains thousands of words attributed to Jesus, including sermons, discussions, platitudes and other spoken thoughts. Literacy rates in the Middle East 2000 year ago were very low, so it is highly unlikely...

Build it and They Will Come!

Noah’s Ark Biblical literalists will disagree, of course, but the insurmountable problems gathering, feeding and returning all the animals carried in Noah’s Ark have been discussed many times.  So, for a change, I would like to examine the actual construction of the Ark, as it must have occurred. First...

Fear of Atheists?

Many Christians appear to fear, or even hate, atheists, while one would expect a good Christian to pity them, as they are obviously headed for Hell.  or a possible explanation, consider the somewhat analogous scenario, that of the many alpha males who hate gay men.  In some cases at...

Center of the Universe!

The universe contains billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars, most of which  have numerous planets, the total of which in the universe must number in the quadrillions, so millions must be in the Goldilocks zone, habitable, by our standards at least, so there almost certainly are many...

Food for Thought

Everything about the story of the flood and Noah’s Ark is patently impossible; where all the water came from and then disappeared to; 5 old sheepherders building the ark,  its obvious space limitations, collecting the animals from and returning them to their habitats, and feeding them and cleaning out...


Posted On September 3, 2018 Some selected quotations from a list compiled by my friend Jean, former Mormon and confirmed atheist:- We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes. – Gene Roddenberry Philosophy...